Christian Binek
Charles Bessey Professor of Physics; Director of Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience, Nebraska Nanoscale Facility, and Nebraska EPSCoR RII Track-1: Emergent Quantum Materials and Nanoscience (EQUATE) Physics & Astronomy University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Lincoln, NE, 68588, - Phone
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- Ph.D., Physics, Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Duisburg, 1995
- Diplom-Physiker, Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Duisburg, 1990
Research Interests
- Electrically controlled exchange bias
- Experimental approach to fundamental aspects of statistical physics
- Magnetic nanoparticles
- Magnetic nanostructures for energy-efficient cooling
Recent Selected Publications
- Ather Mahmood, Jamie L. Weaver, Syed Qamar Abbas Shah, Will Echtenkamp, Jeffrey W. Lynn, Peter A. Dowben, Christian Binek, "Post Deposition Interfacial Néel Temperature Tuning in Magnetoelectric B:Cr2O3," Adv. Phys. Res. 1, 2470001 (2024).
Featured on the Cover Page! - Ather Mahmood, Jamie L. Weaver, Syed Qamar Abbas Shah, Will Echtenkamp, Jeffrey W. Lynn, Peter A. Dowben, and Christian Binek, "Post Deposition Interfacial Néel Temperature Tuning in Magnetoelectric B:Cr2O3," Adv. Physics Res., 2300061 (2023).
- Syed Q. A. Shah, Ather Mahmood, Arun Parthasarathy, and Christian Binek, "Search for magnetoelectric monopole response in Cr2O3 powder," Phys. Rev. B 108, 054437 (2023). Editor’s Suggestion.
- Ather Mahmood, Will Echtenkamp, Mike Street, Jun-Lei Wang, Shi Cao, Takashi Komesu, Peter A. Dowben, Pratyush Buragohain, Haidong Lu, Alexei Gruverman, Arun Parthasarathy, Shaloo Rakheja, and Christian Binek, "Voltage-controlled Néel vector rotation in zero magnetic field," Nature Communications 12, 1674 (2021).
- Sean Knight, Dharmalingam Prabhakaran, Christian Binek, and Mathias Schubert, "Electromagnon excitation in cupric oxide measured by Fabry-Pérot enhanced terahertz Mueller matrix ellipsometry," Scientific Reports 9, 1353 (2019).
- C.-P. Kwan, M. Street, A. Mahmood, W. Echtenkamp, M. Randle, K. He, J. Nathawat, N. Arabchigavkani, B. Barut, S. Yin, R. Dixit, U. Singisetti, C. Binek, and J. P. Bird, "Space-charge limited conduction in epitaxial chromia films grown on elemental and oxide-based metallic substrates," AIP Advances 9, 055018 (2019).
- Jun-Lei Wang, Will Echtenkamp, Ather Mahmood, and Christian Binek, "Voltage controlled magnetism in Cr2O3 based all-thin-film systems," J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 486, 165262 (2019).