Avatar for Florin Bobaru

Florin Bobaru

Professor Mechanical & Materials Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln


NH W355
Lincoln NE 68588-0526
402-472-8348 On-campus 2-8348

Have you ever wondered why glass breaks in such complex patterns, fragments, and chips? Or how does the corrosion of a few bolts and plates bring an entire bridge down? Our research group works on computational models that answer such questions and explain the behavior observed experimentally in some of the most challenging problems that have puzzled researchers for decades. We use these models to solve problems with heat and mass diffusion, dynamic fracture, and fragmentation. Recent focus is on peridynamics for impact fracture in glass, glassy-polymers, polycrystalline ceramics, and fiber-reinforced composites; fracture in concrete induced by corrosion; corrosion damage and Stress Corrosion Cracking; dynamics of granular materials and their interaction with elastic media, multidisciplinary optimization, inverse problems, and multiscale and multiphysics methods.


  • Ph.D., Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2001
  • M.S., Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, University of Bucharest, Romania, 1997
  • B.S., Mathematics and Mechanics, University of Bucharest, Romania, 1995

Research Interests

  • Damage and fracture with peridynamics
  • Modeling of corrosion damage and stress corrosion cracking
  • Damage in heterogeneous materials (fiber-reinforced composites, polycrystalline ceramics, etc.)
  • Dynamics of Granular Materials
  • Optimization of material composition and optimal shape design

Selected Publications