Scott Darveau
Professor, Physical Chemistry, University of Nebraska at Kearney
- Address
216 Bruner Hall of Science
2401 11th Ave., Kearney, NE, 68849, - Phone
- Website
I studied Chemistry at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where I first became interested in Physical Chemistry, working with Dr. Craig Eckhardt to measure the specular reflectance spectra from a pair of single crystals of related bi-molecular organometallic complexes. I went on to the University of Chicago for graduate studies in Physical Chemistry with R. Stephen Berry. In his group, I worked on high-vacuum systems in the measurement of atomic collision processes, including Penning Detachment and electron super-elastic scattering from excited atoms. I started at UNK in 1997, teaching a variety of classes and conducting research. My early work focused on laser applications in the teaching laboratories. Dr. Chris Exstrom and I have been research collaborators since around 2002. Our research has focused on nanomaterials and their applications, primarily as absorbers in solar photovoltaics, sensors, and other materials. I have been privileged to serve as department chair since 2011.
- Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, University of Chicago, 1998
- B.S., Chemistry, University of Nebraska Lincoln, 1992
Research Interests
- Characterization of Novel Thin Films for Use in Solar Cells
Recent Publications
- “Non-vacuum Preparation of WSe2 Thin Films via the Selenization of Hydrated Tungsten Oxide Prepared using Chemical Solution Methods,” Exstrom, C.L.; Darveau, S.A.; Falconer, M.E.*; Blum, J.R.*; Colling, W.M.*; Ianno N.J. (2018), MRS Advances, 3(56), 3281-3286.
- “A Low-Temperature Fabrication Method for WSe2 Films Grown from Nanocrystalline Precursors.” Exstrom, C., Darveau, S. A., Edgar, J. S., Curry, C. J., Hanrahan, M. P., Ma, Q., Hilfiker, M., Ediger, A., Ianno, N. J. (2016). MRS Advances, 1(41), 2821-2826. doi:10.1557/adv.2016.437
- “Preparation of CIGS Thin Films by HiPIMS or DC Sputtering and Various Selenization Processes,” Olejníček, J.; Hubička, Z.; Kšírová, P.; Kment, Š; Brunclíková, M.; Kohout, M.; Čada, M.; Darveau, S.A.; Exstrom, C.L., Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 2013, 16, 314-319.
- “Zinc Alloyed Iron Pyrite Nanocrystals for Band Gap Broadening,” Mao, B.; Dong, Q.; Xiao, Z.; Exstrom, C.L.; Darveau, S.A.; Webber, T.E.*; Lund, B.D.*; Huang, H.; Kang, Z.; Huang, J., Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1, 12060-12065.
- “Air Sensitive, Photosensitive, Phase Pure Iron Pyrite Nanocrystal Thin Films for Photovoltaic Application,” Bi, Y.; Yuan, Y.; Exstrom, C.L.; Darveau, S.A.; Huang, J. Nano Letters, 11, 4953-4957 (2011).
- “CuIn1-xAlxS2 Thin Films Prepared by Sulfurization of Metallic Precursors,” Olejníček, J.; Slaymaker, L.E.; Darveau, S.A.; Exstrom, C.L.; Kment, Š.; Prabukanthan, P.; Ianno, N.J.; Soukup, R.J. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509, 10020-10024, 2011.
- “Properties of CuIn1-xGaxSe2 Films Prepared by the Rapid Thermal Annealing of Spray-deposited CuIn1-xGaxS2 and Se,” Slaymaker, L.E.; Hoffman, N.M.; Ingersoll, M.A.; Jensen, M.R.; Olejníček, J.; Exstrom, C.L.; Darveau, S.A.; Soukup, R.J.; Ianno, N.J.; Sarkar, A.; Kment, Š., Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 2011, 1324, DOI: 10.1557/opl.2011.1152
- “Thermoelectric Properties of p-type CuInSe2 Chalcopyrites Enhanced by Introduction of Manganese,” Yao, J.; Takas, N.J.; Schliefert, M.L.*; Paprocki, D.S.*; Blanchard, P.E.R.; Mar, A.; Exstrom, C.L.; Darveau, S.A.; Poudeu, P.F.P.; Aitken, J.A., Physical Review B, 84, 075203. 2011.
- “Formation of CuIn1-xAlxSe2 Thin Films Studied by Raman Scattering”, Olejníček, J.; Kamler, C.A.; Darveau, S.A.; Exstrom, C.L.; Slaymaker, L.E.*; Vandeventer, A.R.*; Ianno, N.J.; Soukup, R.J. Thin Solid Films, 519, 5329-5334 (2011).