Apply – Undergraduate

Apply - Undergrad
Undergraduate Studies

NCMN does not award academic degrees of its own – you must apply to one of the affiliated departments and work with one of the faculty members listed on the faculty page in order to be involved with NCMN. If you are unsure which department to apply to, search the faculty research interests and determine which faculty member interests most closely match your own. You are encouraged to contact the individual faculty member to determine undergraduate studies opportunities.

Foreman & Adenwalla

Careers in Nanoscience

Nanoscale science and technology have come to have increasing impacts on our daily lives and the career opportunities in these fields are expanding rapidly.

Nano-related courses offered at UNL

UNL strives for excellence in both undergraduate and graduate education in the materials science, engineering, and nanoscience areas. Many of the courses offered through Chemistry, Engineering, and Physics & Astronomy provide relevant information about these topics.