SMCF Updates

Procedures for Entering SMCF facility:

We are now opening and are here for you. We will begin to perform measurement for researchers. Let us know how we can assist you. 

Users will need to follow the safety guidelines on COVID-related protocols and procedures. We will require you to Wear a Face Mask; Please Use Hand Sanitizer & when you enter the Lab; Social Distance is prectice in SMCF! This is to assure the safety of everyone working in our facilities. This procedure is subject to change per state/university restrictions.

Protect Yourself and Others! Thank you for your patience and understading!

Online Instrument Sign-Up Calendar

Please use the new NCMN – Facility Online Manager for instrument signup. See instrument status below.

Anyone may view the sign-up calendar for instrument availability (see below), but to add/edit a reservation you must have an authorized user account (with user id and password). These accounts are supplied to each user once they have successfully completed the instrument and safety training. Please contact the facility specialist (Lanping Yue) to begin this process.

Acknowledgment Text

Agencies including NSF and the University providing partial support of our Nebraska Nanoscale Facilities and NCMN Facilities require that the following words be included at the end of any Acknowledgement section of a paper in which experimental work was done in NNF-NCMN facilities:

The research was performed in part in the Nebraska Nanoscale Facility: National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure and the Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience, which are supported by the National Science Foundation under Award ECCS: 2025298, and the Nebraska Research Initiative.

View Instrument Status

Procedure for making an instrument reservation:
  1. Bring up the online calendar by clicking the "Instrument Sign-in Calendar" link button above and log in to the facility instrument sign-in calendar by "user name" and "password". Remember that it is case-sensitive.
  2. You can view the current Instrument Status of the calendar display. ** Note that reservations can be made a maximum of 3 weeks in advance.
  3. Add your reservation by clicking the available time-cell corresponding to the start time of your reservation.  Specify the end date and time of your reservation (in units of 30 minutes minimum). Click the "Submit" button.
  4. If your reservation does not conflict with an existing reservation, then the calendar should now show that the time you reserved is blocked out, with your name on it.
  5. PLEASE DO NOT USE EXPIRED OR INVALID COST OBJECT NUMBERS. Consult your Principal Investigator to obtain a valid COST OBJECT NUMBER.
  6. If the user needs to use the instrument beyond the time signed up, add the extra time in the calendar or inform the specialist immediately. Unaccounted usage (misuse/overuse) will result in the removal of users' access to the facility.
  7. You may modify your reservation by clicking on your name inside the reservation. You can perform these modifications only if you are logged in as the user that made the reservation.
  8. Be sure to log out once you are finished.